ICAN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WPOIQ, We are happy to let you know that your request for partnership in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has been approved by ICAN International Steering Group. ICAN is a campaign in constant growth, and is currently counting more than 600 partner organizations in more than 100 countries around the world. In order to confirm your partnership please review this partnership agreement and respond with a signed letter from the head of your organization or other authorized person simply citing the “ICAN Partnership Agreement” and your agreement to abide by its requirements. Alternatively, you may also send an email confirmation agreeing to abide by ICAN's requirement. ICAN campaigners’ list As an ICAN partner, we welcome your participation in the ICAN campaigners’ e-list, and we will now add the e-mail address of the contact person listed in your partnership application. Through this list you will receive action alerts, invitations to events, and internal updates about the campaign, and the state of play in the process towards a treaty banning nuclear weapons. Please feel free to forward this information to your organization to support your activities. You are also encouraged to share information about any ICAN-related activity carried out by your organization with the campaigners’ list. Information shared to the list, unless specified otherwise, may be republished by ICAN either on the website or in other communications. We kindly ask you to avoid using this list to promote activities unrelated to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Please notify (info@icanw.org) if there are other members of your organization who wish to be included in ICAN’s campaigners’ list, or for any other questions related to the use of this list. ICAN material As an ICAN partner, you are also entitled to request, use and publicize ICAN material in accordance with ICAN’s communication policies, and seek technical and strategic support from the ICAN International Steering Group and the ICAN International Staff Team. ICAN has developed a range of videos, publications, and other material. For a full list of ICAN’s material, see the “Resources” section on ICAN’s webpage, and especially the ICAN Campaigners Tool (which contains useful and inspirational advice from experienced campaigners to help you get up to speed), Catastrophic Humanitarian Harm, which outlines why nuclear weapons is a humanitarian problem, and the booklet The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, which outlines why States should join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and what the treaty includes. You can find all these materials on the “Resources” sections of our website. We would also like to draw your attention to ICAN’s public awareness-raising website, https://www.icanw.org. This website is aimed at educating and inspiring new people to understand the horrors of nuclear weapons and what we can do about it. We encourage you to share this website with the members of your organization and network. If you have any questions about ICAN’s material and how to use it, or if there is a person in your organization who is responsible for communication and media work, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. ICAN Mailings & Social media In addition to the ICAN Campaigners List which you will automatically be added to, we encourage you to sign up for the ICAN newsletter on the ICAN website and to encourage others, including members of your organization and others in your network to subscribe. By signing up to the list you agree to receive occasional updates from the Campaign. In addition, we encourage you to follow ICAN on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. Our official hashtag is #nuclearban. Feel free to use it any time you discuss nuclear weapons, and please let us know if your organization has a Facebook or Twitter account, so we can follow you as well. ICAN Logo You may also consider adding the “Partner of ICAN” logo to your website or materials. We kindly request that you do not use the main ICAN logo without prior permission unless it is for editorial or information purposes. Data collection and privacy ICAN agrees to hold personal data about ICAN partners only for the purposes outlined in this partnership agreement, and not to sell or otherwise transmit that data to any non-partners without explicit consent. Dispute Resolution The Parties anticipate resolution of disputes through mutual negotiations and discussions in good faith. The parties contemplate that the Definitive Documents will include mutually acceptable procedures for the use of alternative dispute resolution methods (mediation and arbitration) in the event that a dispute cannot be resolved through good faith discussions. Note that ICAN reserves the right to revoke partnership for any deemed violation of ICAN’s values and principles or if the partner ceases or fundamentally changes the nature of its operations entirely or with respect to the Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons, to be determined at the discretion of the ICAN International Steering Group. We thank you very much for your application, and are looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions about ICAN, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel Högsta, Mohammed Al Hamadani Interim Executive Director. WPO
Read MoreICAN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WPOIQ, We are happy to let you know that your request for partnership in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has been approved by ICAN International Steering Group. ICAN is a campaign in constant growth, and is currently counting more than 600 partner organizations in more than 100 countries around the world. In order to confirm your partnership please review this partnership agreement and respond with a signed letter from the head of your organization or other authorized person simply citing the “ICAN Partnership Agreement” and your agreement to abide by its requirements. Alternatively, you may also send an email confirmation agreeing to abide by ICAN's requirement. ICAN campaigners’ list As an ICAN partner, we welcome your participation in the ICAN campaigners’ e-list, and we will now add the e-mail address of the contact person listed in your partnership application. Through this list you will receive action alerts, invitations to events, and internal updates about the campaign, and the state of play in the process towards a treaty banning nuclear weapons. Please feel free to forward this information to your organization to support your activities. You are also encouraged to share information about any ICAN-related activity carried out by your organization with the campaigners’ list. Information shared to the list, unless specified otherwise, may be republished by ICAN either on the website or in other communications. We kindly ask you to avoid using this list to promote activities unrelated to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Please notify (info@icanw.org) if there are other members of your organization who wish to be included in ICAN’s campaigners’ list, or for any other questions related to the use of this list. ICAN material As an ICAN partner, you are also entitled to request, use and publicize ICAN material in accordance with ICAN’s communication policies, and seek technical and strategic support from the ICAN International Steering Group and the ICAN International Staff Team. ICAN has developed a range of videos, publications, and other material. For a full list of ICAN’s material, see the “Resources” section on ICAN’s webpage, and especially the ICAN Campaigners Tool (which contains useful and inspirational advice from experienced campaigners to help you get up to speed), Catastrophic Humanitarian Harm, which outlines why nuclear weapons is a humanitarian problem, and the booklet The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, which outlines why States should join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and what the treaty includes. You can find all these materials on the “Resources” sections of our website. We would also like to draw your attention to ICAN’s public awareness-raising website, https://www.icanw.org. This website is aimed at educating and inspiring new people to understand the horrors of nuclear weapons and what we can do about it. We encourage you to share this website with the members of your organization and network. If you have any questions about ICAN’s material and how to use it, or if there is a person in your organization who is responsible for communication and media work, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. ICAN Mailings & Social media In addition to the ICAN Campaigners List which you will automatically be added to, we encourage you to sign up for the ICAN newsletter on the ICAN website and to encourage others, including members of your organization and others in your network to subscribe. By signing up to the list you agree to receive occasional updates from the Campaign. In addition, we encourage you to follow ICAN on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. Our official hashtag is #nuclearban. Feel free to use it any time you discuss nuclear weapons, and please let us know if your organization has a Facebook or Twitter account, so we can follow you as well. ICAN Logo You may also consider adding the “Partner of ICAN” logo to your website or materials. We kindly request that you do not use the main ICAN logo without prior permission unless it is for editorial or information purposes. Data collection and privacy ICAN agrees to hold personal data about ICAN partners only for the purposes outlined in this partnership agreement, and not to sell or otherwise transmit that data to any non-partners without explicit consent. Dispute Resolution The Parties anticipate resolution of disputes through mutual negotiations and discussions in good faith. The parties contemplate that the Definitive Documents will include mutually acceptable procedures for the use of alternative dispute resolution methods (mediation and arbitration) in the event that a dispute cannot be resolved through good faith discussions. Note that ICAN reserves the right to revoke partnership for any deemed violation of ICAN’s values and principles or if the partner ceases or fundamentally changes the nature of its operations entirely or with respect to the Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons, to be determined at the discretion of the ICAN International Steering Group. We thank you very much for your application, and are looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions about ICAN, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel Högsta, Mohammed Al Hamadani Interim Executive Director. WPO
Read MoreICAN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT I’m writing to you from New York, where ICAN campaigners are gathering for an exciting and fully-packed week of advocacy, diplomacy, action and art against nuclear weapons. Today, Sunday November 26th, we’re getting ready with a campaigners’ meeting and a global day of action! As states meet at the UN to agree on next steps under the treaty banning nuclear weapons, we’re taking over the city for Nuclear Ban Week, and I want to tell you what is happening and how to get involved. The Second Meeting of States Parties of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will take place at the UN from Nov 27 to December 1st. Following last year’s powerful outcomes in Vienna, we are keen to hear about the progress made so far, which you can read more about here, and build on it. ICAN will be at the MSP in full force to encourage states to be bold and courageous in their decision-making. Our ambitions going in are high, because the stakes are high. With rising nuclear tensions putting the risk of nuclear weapons use at a peak since the Cold War, the TPNW is where real action on nuclear disarmament is happening. So right now, we need everyone speaking out loudly against nuclear weapons and for the TPNW. So if you would like to help us build that global sense of pressure, please join our Global Day of Action today, by raising your voice on social media.
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreAlfred Hackensberger (Text) and Me (Pictures) with Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani examines hell in Mosul / Iraq. Dr. Al-Hamdani is a ray of hope among corpses and rubble: he is raising money all over the world for rebuilding and success. His idea: he collects the grant provided by donor countries in Iraq, not in Iraq’s accounts. This is what convinces the donors because the money cannot be spoiled. Iraq in 169. out of 180 seats in Corruption Index. Al-Hamdani glimmers of hope between dead bodies and ruin: Funds are being collected for the successful reconstruction of the world. Its concept: All donations from these governments are directed directly to the consulates of the donor governments in Iraq. This convinces the donors because the money cannot leak into the account Iraqi. Iraq ranks 169 out of 180 places in the Corruption Index Today in Day Wilt: Alfred Hackensberger (text) and I (photos) examine Hell in Mosul / Iraq with Dr. Mohammed Al-hamadani
Read More1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United States and the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Project start-up: The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 8/602/16/6/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the government of Nineveh Governorate and a special meeting for this purpose, ، It was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul. An international conference was held in Erbil, attended by ambassadors of world peace, ambassadors of states and consulates, accredited in International Iraq
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreHis Excellency the Ambassador of the International Parliament for Security and Peace, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hamdani, met with Dr. Abdul-Karim Al-Basri, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers in Baghdad and held with him the axis of the reconstruction projects that will be implemented in the near future with international support and under the supervision of the United Nations consultant. His Excellency affirmed his request that the Iraqi government stand by him for the success of operations The construction that will start with the beginning of 2021 is the construction of hospitals, schools and desalination plants for drinking water, on which the Iraqi citizen depends in his daily life.
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreWith appreciation and distinction with honors, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hamdani honored Mr. Atef Munif Dagher, director of the Silla Financial Consulting Company branch in Dubai. We thank and appreciate your help and work in supporting the Global Peace Ambassadors project for the reconstruction of Iraq and its direct and unlimited support to serve Iraq and Iraqis for the reconstruction of the liberated cities. On behalf of the Iraqi people, we extend our thanks and appreciation to you.
Read MoreThe International Conference of the World Peace Ambassadors' Journey Project for the Reconstruction of Nineveh in Erbil, in the presence of the Minister of Human Rights, representatives of the Iraqi government, sheikhs and elders of the tribes of Nineveh Governorate, Salah al-Din and Anbar 1 - Launching an international humanitarian project by the international peace ambassadors accredited to the United Nations 2- The International Conference in Iraq, Erbil. 3- An information program in Mosul and its ancient history. 4- World Peace Ambassadors travel program around the world. 5- The international community and decision-makers made clear the extent of the destruction caused by the army Starting the project The project was launched in 2015 according to the book of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Brazil 602/8 on 6/16/2015, sent to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Which gives Ambassador Dr. Muhammad al-Hamdani, the project leader, and the participants ten ambassadors from several countries to learn about the situation of the displaced and their lives in displacement camps and human life in their population areas in order to restore stability. In coordination with the Nineveh governorate government and a special meeting for this purpose, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding to work with international organizations on the project. Then signing a protocol after the project and the paragraphs that will work for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul.
Read MoreWith appreciation and distinction, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hamdani honored Mr. Ghazoan Aman Alsadr We thank and appreciate your help and work in supporting the Global Peace Ambassadors project for the reconstruction of Iraq and its direct and unlimited support to serve Iraq and the Iraqis for the reconstruction of liberated cities. On behalf of the Iraqi people, we extend our thanks and appreciation to you.
Read MoreWith appreciation and distinction with honors, Dr. Mohammed Al-Hamdani honored Mr. Tariq Mohammed Ali in Erbil We thank you and appreciate your help and work in supporting the Global Peace Ambassadors project for the reconstruction of Iraq and its direct and unlimited support to serve Iraq and Iraqis for the reconstruction of liberated cities. On behalf of the Iraqi people, we extend our thanks and appreciation to you.
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